Now Hiring

Community Manager

The position of community manager is a paying position which includes but is not limited to the following responsibilities:

  • Being head mod in chat.
  • Answering emails.
  • Booking guests.
  • Running giveaways during YouTube lives.

Additional (agreed upon) responsibilities along with compensation may be added as need arises. Responsibilities will not include anything related to production of content other than booking guests. Guest booking training will be given.

We typically do one to two live (2 hr.) live streams a week and one documentary a month. The documentaries require two interview’s apiece. Interviews can be booked ahead of time for future documentaries. We typically interview one person a week for documentaries. We book one guest per live stream with another guest on standby.

Compensation is negatable. Apply below. We need your contact information and experience. This is for an part-time position under 8 hrs. a week. We will contact you and answer any questions you may have.

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